As a verified domain exclusively for the banking community, .Bank offers a secure online space for banking and communication. Your web and email address assures customers and employees of safe interactions, guarding against phishing and spoofed sites.
Be proud of your .Bank domain – it boosts confidence in your online banking presence and is a robust security measure for your bank and your customers, protecting against the most common cyberattacks.
Search, select, and get verified for a .Bank domain. We’ll guide you through the steps to register your domain, including what to do if your desired domain is already taken.
To determine if a domain name is available for registration, use the Enter your .Bank Domain search.
Only verified members of the global banking community are eligible to register .Bank domains. View the eligibility requirements.
Complete the Verification Application and .Bank will contact you when they get started.
Some domain names are “reserved” by .Bank or ICANN and are not available for immediate registration. Some of these names may become available for registration and please contact us for more information.
Once your Verification Application is approved, contact your .Bank registrar of choice, so they can register your domain(s). View our list of Registrars.
When it comes to switching your domain to .Bank, there are specific requirements that set .Bank apart from other domains. Learn how to securely switch and use your domain once it’s registered.
.Bank requires compliance with a set of Security Requirements that are not mandated by the operators of other commercially available domains. Additionally, .Bank registrars must adhere to all applicable .Bank security requirements, policies and contractual obligations for creating and maintaining a trusted, verified, and more secure environment for your .Bank domain.
You can choose to implement the security requirements yourself or use a vendor.
Your registrar, core provider, or other vendors can also help implement the .Bank security requirements.
See our Cybersecurity Checklist to make sure you’ve followed all the steps to securely migrate to your .Bank domain.
You can continue using your current domain name and redirect traffic to your new .Bank site using the ‘301 Moved Permanently’ response status code once your .Bank domain is in place.
You can redirect your old domain indefinitely or for a defined period of time, which most banks do to ensure no web traffic is lost.
You’ll want to create email aliases so your current domain and .Bank emails come into the same mailbox, and create the setting that all replies come from your .Bank email address. Like the redirection, this approach ensures emails sent to your old domain are not lost.
No, your SEO value will be preserved when you redirect your traffic using the ‘301 Moved Permanently’ response status code.
When it comes to marketing the change to your customers, clear communication is key, including being able to answer any of their questions.
We recommend beginning to educate customers two to three weeks ahead of making the switch. You will also want to educate your employees and inform your vendors well ahead of your switch to .Bank.
The following forms of communication are a good way to inform and educate people about your switch.
It’s important your customers understand what .Bank is, why it’s more secure, and what it means for their interactions with your bank.
Our .Bank Communications Guide contains templates and suggestions for helping customers understand the benefits to them of your .Bank domain.
.Bank is a secure domain exclusively for verified banks, replacing historical domains. It ensures authentic communication via bank email addresses and website URLs, providing confidence, trust, and security.
.Bank verifies all banks and mandates and monitors for compliance with the Security Requirements. The .Bank cue adds visual authentication, enhancing protection against the most common cyberattacks (e.g., phishing, domain spoofing) that can lead to identity theft, business email compromise, and fraud.
Educate customers and employees to look for the .Bank in your email address and website for authentication. Have your current domain forward to .Bank, and remind visitors to update their contacts and bookmarks to your new email and website address in .Bank.
The switch to .Bank is a business decision each bank makes based on priorities and resources. Most .Bankers expressed the switch was easier than they expected and strengthened their value to customers. Hear what other .Bankers say about switching to a .Bank domain.
We’re here to support you every step of the way.