Engage and educate your customers

Strategic messaging for customer communications that shares the why, when, and how of your switch to .Bank

Ensure a seamless switch to .Bank

To ensure your customers arrive at your new .Bank website and inbox, implement a 301 redirect from your old domain to your new domain, and add your .Bank email addresses as aliases to your current email account. It’s also important to actively market the change to your customers.

Table of Contents


It’s important your customers understand what .Bank is, and the heightened security and protection it provides when accessing your services online and communicating with you. Higher levels of trust from your customers can result in more engagement and better customer retention.


We suggest you begin to market the change to customers and vendors two to three weeks ahead of launch to ensure a smooth transition.


Most banks find the following forms of communication are a good way to inform and educate their communities about the switch to .Bank:

  1. Create your version of our Customer FAQ to share
  2. Announcement bar/homepage header-banner on ‘.com’
  3. Pre-launch educational email(s)
  4. Email auto-responders
  5. Email Signature
  6. New .Bank site announcement bar, header-banner or pop-up

.com site announcement

On MM/YY we will switch our website to ABC123.Bank for an even more secure banking experience. Click here to learn more.” (Your Customer FAQ link)

Announcement Bars are an unobtrusive, easy way to add a one or two sentence message across the top of your website, notifying customers of your upcoming switch to .Bank.

Homepage Banners enable you to provide more information about your switch to .Bank than an ‘Announcement Bar’, and would also click-through to your Customer FAQ link.

Pre-launch educational email(s)

Email auto-responders


On MM/DD/YY we’ll switch to ABC123.Bank from our ABC123.com domain to provide you an even more secure banking experience. All visits to ABC123.com will redirect to ABC123.Bank, and emails will forward from ABC123.com to our new addresses.

While website redirection and email forwarding will remain in place for the foreseeable future, please update any bookmarks and email addresses in your records. Our new .Bank domain helps to prevent phishing attacks against our employees, customers, and vendors by providing a visual identification cue for our emails and website. Going forward, you should authenticate our emails and website simply by looking for the .Bank. If it’s not .Bank, it’s not us.

You can learn more about .Bank Security here (Your Customer FAQ link)


On MM/DD/YY we’ll switch to ABC123.Bank from our ABC123.com domain to provide our customers an even more secure banking experience. All visits to ABC123.com will redirect to ABC123.Bank, and emails will forward from ABC123.com to our new addresses.

While website redirection and email forwarding will remain in place for the foreseeable future, please encourage customers to update any bookmarks and email addresses in their records. Our new .Bank domain helps to prevent phishing attacks against our employees, customers, and vendors by providing a visual identification cue for our emails and website. Going forward, please remind customers to authenticate our emails and website simply by looking for the .Bank. If it’s not .Bank, it’s not us.

You can learn more about .Bank Security here (Your Customer FAQ link)

Alias/New .Bank addresses w/ forwarding

Thank you for your email. Our bank has switched to www.ABC123.Bank for even more secure online banking and email communications (Your Customer FAQ link). Your email has been forwarded to my new email address which is: FriendlyBanker@ABC123.Bank. Please look for the .Bank at the end of my email address in all future emails, and update your address book accordingly.

Email signature

You may have noticed my email address now ends in .Bank, this is a security feature to help prevent phishing – please look for the .Bank in our emails going forward to know you’re communicating with us.

New .Bank site announcement bar, header-banner or pop-up

Welcome to our new .Bank domain! We made the switch to .Bank for an even more secure banking experience. Please be sure to look for the .Bank in all of our email addresses and in our website URL. If it’s not .Bank, it’s not us.

(Your Customer FAQ link)

New .Bank site announcement

Announcement bar, header-banner, or pop-up

Welcome to our new .Bank domain! We made the switch to .Bank for an even more secure banking experience. Please be sure to look for the .Bank in all of our email addresses and in our website URL. If it’s not .Bank, it’s not us.

Add the .Bank verified domain badge to your website

1. Download the verified badge zip file.

2. Add the badge image to your site footer or header. See Examples below.

3. Link the verified by .Bank domain badge to https://www.register.bank.

Need help or have questions?

We’re here to support you every step of the way.